I am really pleased with the result. Feels like progress. What do you think?
I went at it a bit hard last week, going to the office, a recording session, the movies. My inclination is to get on with things, but I wasn't prepared for the tiredness that set in. I don't think I've slept as often or as long. I wondered if I might have contracted Tapenui Flu in the hospital? But no, tiredness is pretty usual after coronary surgery.
The best thing is to listen to the old body. I have time off from work, so I'll use it to sleep if I have to.
Listening to advice is one of the mistakes I made that resulted in my quad bypass. Or, rather, not listening. I was diagnosed with very high blood pressure some time ago. When I visited my doctor she sent me to the hospital - I got cranky about being left to wait on an acute ward for several hours and left. I began taking the blood pressure medicine I was given and monitoring my BP with a meter the doc loaned me. I didn't really see any significant change and so pretty much gave up on the pills. Ultimately . I didn't feel any different with or without the medicine. So, despite being told not to stop - that is exactly the opposite of what I did.
I'm guessing that's not uncommon. Hypertension is a disease. It may have no obvious symptoms (I didn't go to the doc in the first place to have a heart check, I was getting persistent headaches), but once you've been diagnosed it is important you follow the advice you are given.
It may seem pointless, but believe me, what is pointless is having avoidable surgery.
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